SJSU Remote Lab
EE098-MIT6.002x //
This graph shows an RLC-"sculpture". It is generated from an RLC-network. L and C are fixed. The Z-axis represents the voltage across the capacitor, resulting from a voltage-step-input. The Y-axis represents time. The X-axis represents R, when varied form a value causing damping, going through 0 to show oscillation and going back to damping.
Other examples are also shown on this page.
This R-Quiz tests the student's understanding of networks with series and parallel resistors. Please note: The link does not work at the moment.
Series RLC-network in Tutorial Mode. The student may play with 6 different parameters and study the circuit behavior. The student may use this also as practice for a related quiz. Please note: For the time being the quiz on the web shows up only in monitor-mode.
This is used to test the network connection to the SJSU Remote Lab servers.
This is a demo showing the capacitor voltage versus time in a series RLC-network if 4 parameters are varied. Variables are R, C, L and t.
This is the RLC-network in the Quiz-Mode. 6 randomly chosen parameters are shown for which the student has to enter the solution-values. Upon clicking "Evaluate" the student may see the grade and may compare chosen values against the solution. When a server-connection is established the grade will be reported to and stored at the server.
This is the RLC-network in the Quiz-Solution-Mode. After clicking "Evaluate" the student will see the grade and values chosen next to the solution.